Treehouse Hardware

Treehouse Hardware



This is a DIY Herb Planter to be sold in ‘Treehouse Hardware.’ This is a project aimed at young adults who might not know the most about plants and gardening. The box is made from one piece of cardboard and we used the wooden tray as a sectioning device for the interior products. This saves space and uses less cardboard, thus being more sustainable. The kit includes seeds, soil pellets, gravel, wood glue, and laser cut wood pieces to construct the planter itself.


The color scheme is centered around plant life and the woods to provide a natural feel to the product. We used geometric illustrations to give a modern, playful feel that would be attractive to our target audience. For the unboxing experience, we wanted it to feel like you’re exploring the woods to discover the treehouse. To do this, the outside of the box has woods and mountains which leads into the inside where the tree house (the booklet) is found along with the products behind it.